Sunday, August 21, 2011


Last week was jam packed with loads of fun!  I have been busy so I am just now getting around to posting about it!  Last Friday I went into DC again, I rode the Metro by myself (which was an experience!) I went and met my friend Bri that has been here doing an internship and she was leaving Saturday! I am glad that I got to see her before she left!

We went to the Washington Monument.  It was dusk and it looked so awesome. I have heard from quite a few people that everything is so much cooler at night! I believe it!

After that we walked to the Lincoln Memorial.  I had only ever seen pictures and movies.  It was so much better in real life! 

The Korean Memorial was our last stop for the evening.  I didn't know much about the Korean Memorial before I went there, but I learned so much just from being there.  I didn't take any pictures because my camera is terrible in the dark and that memorial had hardly no lighting because they want it to be as real as possible.  The statues are 6ft.  They are pretty close to regular size because the person that designed it wanted you to become a part of the memorial.  It was really cool.  
I can't wait to go back to this memorial and spend some time here during the day and get to see all of the names and the faces that are carved on the wall behind.  

That was pretty much the end of the night, we just walked back to the metro.  Funny Story:  I rode the train with Bri and her friends until their stop and then I had to get off to switch because my stop is the very last one.  Well as I am getting off the train this creepy OLD man comes up to me and starts rubbing my shoulder (He was pretty much petting me) and said " Sweetie, that is the prettiest blouse that I have seen in such a long time.  It is just so pretty..." As he is gushing over my t-shirt, I am being thoroughly creeped out. and feeling pretty violated by this guy!  I just thought "Excuse me strange old man you are touching me and I don't care for it!" while really just saying thank you.  What do you do in that situation?  Really? I think I may need to invest in some mace or  something! Weird!!! I am really glad that I wasn't alone at that point but I also had to get on the next train, ride it to the last station, and walk through the parking garage ALONE.  I was pretty freaked out by the time that I made it back to my car!  

On Saturday morning I got up super early and hopped on a charter bus and headed to NYC to meet Amanda who was in Connecticut visiting her mother in law.  It was SO good to see her!  They picked me up at Penn Station and then we went and spent the afternoon at Time Square. 

  This is at M&M world.  They had 2 of these huge walls of M&M dispensers.
 We put these glasses on Spencer at M&M world.  He was not pleased and didn't think that we were as we thought we were.  He was so good all day! 
This is the huge carousel inside of the Toys R Us 

 At the Toys R Us  we got matching tattoos for the day.  You really can't see them at all but it was of Tinker Bell. There was a guy there demonstrating them so of course we had to try them!

They drop the ball from right here, you can see it at the very top.

Here is a better picture of the ball. Its pretty cool, but I could not even imagine be at Time Square on New Years Eve! 
We took this picture as we were heading back to the car.  After we took this picture that camera went MIA for 3 days.  I am so glad that Amanda finally found it because we didn't take any pictures with my camera because it was faster to just use one, and we used hers.  I wouldn't have had any pictures to show! 

 We did a drive by "shooting" of the NYC Temple.  It really is pretty awesome, it just kind of sneaks up on you.  Its not like everywhere else, that you can see it for a long ways a way.  I couldn't get a great picture because I was in the car so this was the best I could do.

We spent the rest of the weekend in CT because it rained :( Then I headed back to DC on Monday.  It was such a fun and busy weekend.  I would really like to go back to NY soon and see more! It was so amazing but I am definitely not a city girl! It was so busy and there are so many people and it smells really bad.  I don't think that I would like to live there, but its fun to visit! 


The Lima's said...

It was great to see you too!! I hope you do go back to the city.. There are so many cool and amazing things to see..we didn't even scrap the surface of the city!! Maybe we can meet there again and see more exciting things!! Love your face!!! Talk to you soon!!

soccer mom said...

Sounds like you are having a great time. Metro at night???? Yes I think you need to get some mace. :)
Love reading about all your adventures.