Friday, October 28, 2011

Jumping Back on the Band Wagon.

So it has been awhile since I have posted anything on here, but I have been busy...PLAYING!  It has been such a long time since my last post because about a month ago the hard drive on my computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING!!! I was so bummed and felt overwhelmed that having to play catch up didn't sound like such a great task, and I have been busy doing all the fun things that I should blog about, so that means that no blogging was accomplished!

Since I am the queen of all things procrastination, I am so far behind.. Hopefully I will get everything all caught up this weekend  Next up on the blog docket:

  • Earthquake and Hurricane News
  • Trip to Gettysburg 
  • Boyce Avenue Concert
  • Visit with a friend from home
  • Mount Vernon
  • Les Miserables 
Now don't you have something to look forward to!!! 

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